A biological trauma of the most important is the entry of bacteria into the body. Some bacteria can cause illness and called bacterial pathogens (pathos = disease). Other bacteria are not pathogens. Entry of pathogens into the body is called the infection. An infection with the bacteria can cause inflammation.
What Is inflammation? Inflammation is the body's reaction when destructive factors (mostly bacteria) enter the body. The symptoms of an inflammation are rubor, calor, dolor, and tumor. These symptoms have been suggested in the past by Celsius and mean redness, heat, pain, and swelling. Then Galenus added functio laesa symptoms. These five signs are still the basis of medical diagnosis. Apart from the local signs that, in severe inflammation there are also common symptoms or systemic (eg fever). Inflammation named according to the inflamed organ by adding the word "itis" (apenditis, tonsillitis).