Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Inflammation (Local Sign)

A biological trauma of the most important is the entry of bacteria into the body. Some bacteria can cause illness and called bacterial pathogens (pathos = disease). Other bacteria are not pathogens. Entry of pathogens into the body is called the infection. An infection with the bacteria can cause inflammation.
What Is inflammation?
Inflammation is the body's reaction when destructive factors (mostly bacteria) enter the body. The symptoms of an inflammation are rubor, calor, dolor, and tumor. These symptoms have been suggested in the past by Celsius and mean redness, heat, pain, and swelling. Then Galenus added functio laesa symptoms. These five signs are still the basis of medical diagnosis. Apart from the local signs that, in severe inflammation there are also common symptoms or systemic (eg fever). Inflammation named according to the inflamed organ by adding the word "itis" (apenditis, tonsillitis).

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Diabetes Mellitus

Diabetes mellitus is a disease
in which blood glucose (simple sugar) in the high blood because the body can
not release or use insulin is a hormone cukup.Insulin be released by the
pancreas, which is responsible for maintaining blood sugar levels are normal.
Insulin sugar into the cells that can produce energy or stored as energy

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Dystrophy Muscle Duchenne

Muscle dystrophy Duchenne & Becker is a disease that causes weakness in muscles near the trunk.

Abnormalities of the gene that causes Duchenne muscular dystrophy gene different from the abnormalities that cause Becker muscular dystrophy, but both occur in the same gene.
This gene is recessive and carried by the X chromosome

A woman can carry this gene but do not suffer from the disease because the normal X chromosome can compensate for the abnormalities of genes from the other X chromosome.
Every man who receives the defective X chromosome will suffer from this disease.
Boy who suffered from Duchenne muscular dystrophy muscle protein deficiency is important, namely dystrophyn, who allegedly played a role in maintaining the structure of muscle cells.
100,000 among 20-30 male babies born, suffering from Duchenne muscular dystrophy.
Boy who suffered from muscular dystrophy Becker generate dystrophyn but size is too big and not working properly.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009


2. Osteoporosis

Osteoporosis is a bone disease that has characteristics of low bone mass, bone micro-architecture with and degradation of bone tissue that can eventually lead to bone fragility.

1. Primary osteoporosis
Primary osteoporosis is often attacked the post-menopausal women and also in elderly men with unknown cause.

Thursday, May 14, 2009


3. Kifosis 

Kifosis is a deformity of the spine that can result from trauma, developmental disorders or degenerative diseases. Kifosis (derived from the Greek, which means kyphos hump). Kifosis often associated with scoliosis, spine curved sideways. New kifosis called when the arch is more than 40o. If more than 50o is considered not normal. Mild Kifosis may not realize that almost no complaints except fatigue, back pain, and stiff initially considered normal due to daily activities.