1. Lordosis
Normal spine when viewed from the rear will look straight. Another case of people with spinal lordosis, will look crooked, especially in the lower back.
Symptoms arising from different lordosis for each person. Lordosis symptoms most often are protrusion of the buttocks. Other symptoms vary according to the accompanying disorders such as muscular dystrophy, developmental disorders thighs, and neuromuscular disorders.
Back pain, pain radiating to the legs, and changes in the pattern of bowel movements and urination can occur in lordosis, but rarely. If these symptoms occur, required further examination by a doctor.
In addition, the symptoms often resemble lordosis also symptoms or other spinal deformities, or may be caused by infection or spinal cord injuries.
To distinguish it done several tests as following:
• X rays this examination is used to measure and assess the crookedness, and the angle.
• Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)
• Computed tomography scan (CT Scan)
• Blood tests
The purpose of treatment is to stop the lordosis spinal to bend off and prevent deformity (deformity). Management of lordosis depending on the cause of lordosis. Exercises to improve posture can be done if the disorder is caused by lordosis posture. Lordosis is happening due to groin problems must be treated together with those thighs disorders.
I wonder if what's the difference between lordosis and scoliosis.