Thursday, November 5, 2009

Diabetes Mellitus

Diabetes mellitus is a disease
in which blood glucose (simple sugar) in the high blood because the body can
not release or use insulin is a hormone cukup.Insulin be released by the
pancreas, which is responsible for maintaining blood sugar levels are normal.
Insulin sugar into the cells that can produce energy or stored as energy

Well, how much blood sugar levels high called? According to
the diagnostic criteria Perkeni (Society of Endocrinology Indonesia) in 2006,
someone said to have diabetes if you have a fasting blood sugar> 126 mg / dL
and the test as> 200 mg / dL.

Blood sugar levels vary throughout the day which will
increase after the meal and returned to normal within 2 jam.Kadar normal blood
sugar in the morning after the night before fasting is 70-110 mg / dL of blood.
Blood sugar levels are usually less than 120-140 mg / dL at 2 hours after
eating or drinking liquids that contain sugar or carbohydrates lainnya.Kadar
normal blood sugar tends to increase as mild but progressive (gradually) after
the age of 50 years, especially in those people who are inactive bergerak.Peningkatan
blood sugar levels after eating or drinking stimulates the pancreas to produce
insulin which keeps blood sugar levels rise further and cause blood sugar
levels slowly decreased. There are other ways to lower blood sugar levels is to
perform physical activity such as exercise because the muscles use glucose for
energy used.

Explore Causes & Types Diabetes Mellitus

Diabetes occurs when the body does not produce enough
insulin to keep blood sugar levels are normal or if the cell does not provide
an appropriate response to insulin.

There are 2 types of Diabetes Mellitus, namely:

1. Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus (diabetes are dependent on

2. Diabettes Mellitus Type 2 (diabetes is not insulin
dependent, NIDDM)

Other causes of diabetes are:

• High levels of corticosteroids

• gestational diabetes pregnancy), will disappear after

• Drugs that can damage the pancreas.

• poison that affects the formation or the effects of

Reading difficulty of Diabetes Symptoms

Initial symptoms related to direct effects of blood sugar
levels are high. If blood sugar levels to above 160-180 mg / dL, the glucose is
excreted through kemih.Jika water levels are higher, the kidneys remove extra
water to dilute a large number of glucose is lost. Because the kidneys produce
urine in excessive amounts, then the patient often urinate in significant
amounts (poliuri). As a result, the patients feel excessive thirst, so much to
drink (polidipsi). A large number of calories lost into the urine, so patients
lose weight. To compensate for these patients often feel tremendous hunger so
much food (polifagi).

Other symptoms are blurred vision, dizziness, nausea and
decreased endurance during exercise. People with diabetes are poorly controlled
blood sugar are more susceptible to infection.

Avoid diabetes with Change Lifestyle

Hereditary factors influence whether a person can get
diabetes or not. Besides heredity, lifestyle also plays a major role. Type 2
diabetes often occurs in people who are obese. Obesity or overweight is the
most important cause of diabetes triggers.

Obesity means an excess weight of at least as much as 20% of
ideal body weight. Also mean body mass index over 25 kg/m2. Excess fat will
cause resistance to insulin. This explains why diet and exercise is a method
for treatment of type 2 diabetes.

With weight loss and increase muscle mass, will reduce the
amount of fat that helps the body use insulin better. Apparently there is a
relationship between diabetes type 2 with the location of the most fat. If
there is fat in the abdomen most risk of developing diabetes is higher.

The researchers also believe that the gene that carries the
nature of obesity played a role in causing diabetes. Gene called obese gene
regulates body weight through the news giver proteins whether we are hungry or
not. In experiments with mice, if the gene is mutated then the rats would
become obese and have type 2 diabetes.

Research shows that obesity associated with time spent in
front of the TV and computer. Watching TV will cause not move, also affected
the pattern of eating snacks.

How to overcome obesity to prevent diabetes?

It's easy, cheap and effective, here you are:

1. Allowing myself to live healthy

2. Familiarize yourself exercise regularly

3. Avoid watching TV or playing computer too long

4. Do not eat candy, chocolate, or a snack with a high salt

5. Avoid fast food that contains carbohydrates and high fat.

6. Consumption of vegetables and fruits.

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