Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Inflammation (Local Sign)

A biological trauma of the most important is the entry of bacteria into the body. Some bacteria can cause illness and called bacterial pathogens (pathos = disease). Other bacteria are not pathogens. Entry of pathogens into the body is called the infection. An infection with the bacteria can cause inflammation.
What Is inflammation?
Inflammation is the body's reaction when destructive factors (mostly bacteria) enter the body. The symptoms of an inflammation are rubor, calor, dolor, and tumor. These symptoms have been suggested in the past by Celsius and mean redness, heat, pain, and swelling. Then Galenus added functio laesa symptoms. These five signs are still the basis of medical diagnosis. Apart from the local signs that, in severe inflammation there are also common symptoms or systemic (eg fever). Inflammation named according to the inflamed organ by adding the word "itis" (apenditis, tonsillitis).

Cohnheim (1873) studied the inflammation in the frog's tongue. He saw a lekosit small blood vessels and the movement spread like amoeba net damaged (and the bacteria). In bacterial inflammation seen in the early stages of the increased capillary permeability caused by the material from the damaged tissue. Fluid and proteins leak out of the capillaries. Fluids will dilute toxic materials derived from bacteria; from blood immunoprotein would cripple the bacteria and fibrin to form fine threads which provide a bridge for up to place lekosit to inflammation. Then lekosit be attached to the walls of blood vessels and spread by diapedesis through the small hole between the cells. In this case not only granulocytes and lymphocytes are leaving no blood vessels.
Granulocytes moves with the help of muscle proteins contained in the cell. To be able through a narrow gap, the cell nucleus (consisting of several segments) is folded into such a small stroller. Lekosit stimulated toward inflammation by kemotaksis. From lekosit damaged, pain mediators such as prostaglandins will be issued.
The journey of a process of inflammation (Example: Staphylococcus aureus). Blah Staphylococcal aureus is inserted into the skin will appear red, pain and swelling. This is called an inflammatory infiltrates (furunkel). If lekosit win, a cavity containing pus will be formed, called an abscess that the diagnosis is established by the fluctuations. Pus is a thick liquid containing the bacteria that live and die and lekosit the life and death. Accompanied often caused by pain and fever. Ubi pus evacua (all the pus must be removed).
If lekosit lost, may arise:

• lymphangitis is an inflammation, accompanied by redness and pain in the lymph vessels originating from the inflammatory to the regional lymph nodes getang.
• Fegmon, a diffuse infiltration of bacteria and granulocytes that spread from the inflammation surrounding the entire network.
• Bakteremi (sepsis), a state where the bacteria spread in the bloodstream.
• Septic Emboli are part thrombus infected by bacteria apart and carried by the blood flow to the place or other organs.
• Metastatic septic arises when bacteria from the place of origin of inflammation in the bloodstream transportation by causing a new abscess in another place.


  1. bacteria are the neighbors of meticulous hand go around putting everything we have to have strict hygiene is important to note that a small storm can cause bacteria in our body
